A Forest of Stories

A Healing Retreat to Access the Stories of Our Souls

A Nature-Connection and Re-Storying Retreat

The stories we tell to, and about, ourselves determine how we experience life.

Our stories impact our relationships with Self,
others, and the beyond-human world.

Is it time for a new story?

Do you find yourself stuck in the same old movie? Going around and around with the same problems, getting the same results.

Old stories impact all areas of life - work, relationships, spirituality, our sense of belonging in the world, and our emotional and physical health.

Our inner stories may be repeated often but are rarely examined and revised with an eye to our soul's evolution. When we take the time to work with these essential life narratives we can change how we perceive and participate in the world.

Is it time for a new story?

Step out of time

This day-long, outdoor, program is a chance to step out of time, out of the continual narrative of your life, into a securely held circle designed for deep transformation.

Here you can let your guard down, fall apart, melt into the forest, and release back to the earth those loyal-soldier stories that may have protected you well but you no longer need and are only serving to shield you from life's vibrant beauty.

In this magical space we will work with your story, ancient medicine stories from the Celtic lands, and nature and elemental beings to help you forge your new story. One with wings strong enough to carry you, radiant, into this next chapter of life.

Your Guide: Kat Houghton PhD

I am a native British storyteller. I have been guiding transformational experiences for over 25 years.

After a devastating loss, I descended into Grief, eventually learning how to apprentice herself to myself sorrow with support from some wise Elders. Now, I walk with others as they dance with life's initiations in all their guises.

I am a psychologist and wilderness rites of passage guide. I hold certificates in Eco-Therapy, Transpersonal Hypnotherapy and Transformational Coaching.

I thrive in the liminal spaces where the known brushes up against the unknown, always peering deeper into the darkness for guidance on life’s eternal questions. I create safe spaces for people to explore parts of themselves that are hiding or ignored, bringing wonder to the process of inner growth.

Raised on farms in Northern England and Southern Scotland I now am rooting on a forest farm in the Southern Appalachian mountains growing mushrooms and guiding retreats.

What People Are Saying


“Kat is a wonderful facilitator who draws from her rich background to co-create a healing experience that feels much more profound and transformative than the relatively short duration would suggest possible. From the moment I passed through the gate onto her land, I felt I had crossed a threshold into an enchanted world, a respite from the busy-ness of my modern life, sacred and mysterious. Now, a week later, I still carry my expanded awareness from our time together. My senses are a bit keener and I have more peace of mind in my day-to-day. I highly recommend!.”

— JR, Asheville, NC

Kat is a very genuine and compassionate person. Spending an afternoon forest bathing was absolutely transformative in feeling grounded, in touch with nature and my body. I highly recommend it to anyone working though an internal or external issue or just wanting to experience going deep in nature and new ways of being/thinking

— AC, Asheville, NC

“Kat creates a very intentional and safe space to explore a greater connection to nature and self, allowing everyone to be their authentic self wherever they are at. She weaves poetry, somatic experiencing, movement, ceremony, creativity and the power of being witnessed and held in a sacred space, beautifully. I continue to leave her groups feeling inspired to lean into the many other ways of being and knowing outside of the rational thinking brain. I left her recent forest bathing session with a renewed curiosity and trust in the mirrors all around us in the natural world.”

— KC, Barnardsville, NC

You will:

  • Find a new way to see what looks like a problem or limitation

  • Learn how to let the forest hold you

  • Connect deeply to the more-than-human world

  • Shift into a state of consciousness that allows you to receive information and nourishment, one where you don’t need to figure it out

  • Hear some old Celtic stories

  • Be witnessed, and honored, in your unfolding


“Kat's gifted way of opening a portal to the divine and guiding my connection with the bigger picture of my life's unfolding is grand. I feel very blessed to be a participant in her orb!.”

— MM, Asheville, NC

“Deep attention draws us inevitably into deep relationships,
information and energy are exchanged between the observer and the observed, neither partner in the exchange can be anonymous.”

— Robin Wall Kilmer