Wholesale Fresh Mushroom
The mushroom market is growing.
Tired of Creminis and Portobellos ?
People are looking for high-quality, gourmet and medicinal fresh mushrooms in their grocery store - and not finding them.
Make your store the place they go.
Why Now?
The global mushroom market is forecast to grow at a whopping 9.5% between 2021 and 2028.
The rising consumer demand for fresh mushrooms is being driven by an increase in veganism and interest in protein-rich plant-based meat alternatives.
Mushrooms are considered a superfood and many people are becoming familiar with various species through dietary supplements and are ready to add them into their diets.
Fresh Mushrooms Year Round
Shimofuri Hiratake
A hybrid of European and Japanese oyster mushrooms. With their rich meaty texture Shimofuri’s are great for vegan scallops and “pulled pork” recipes.
These gourmet mushrooms don’t grow in the wild in WNC and but are prized bu chefs for their large size and chewy texture.
Oysters - Pearl, Blue or Golden
Oysters have a subtle and savory flavor and are used extensively in many recipes. They are excellent simply sautéd in butter with garlic and salt.
They are rich in nutrients including B vitamins, are a wonderful source of anti-oxidants, may help reduce blood sugar levels and boost the immune system.
Shiitakes have a savory or meaty taste and are used in soups, stews, stir fries and other dishes. At 7% protein they are excellent as part of a plant-based diet.
Shiitakes also contain polysaccharides, terpenoids, sterols, and lipids, many of which may have anti-cancer, inflammatory and cholesterol reducing effects.
Seasonal Wild Harvested or Outdoor Grown Mushrooms
Miatake (Hen-of-the-Woods)
Miatake have a delicious woody flavor and are easily incorporated in any chicken or meat dish as a substitute. They are also fabulous sautéd in butter.
They are natural rich in bioactive compounds that may reduce blood-sugar and cholesterol and have anti-tumor effects.
At 21% protein this mushroom is a powerhouse for those pursuing a meat-free lifestyle. And yes, it tastes like chicken!
It’s packed full of oxidant and has inflammatory effects. Chicken reminds us that food is indeed medicine.
Lions Mane
Lion’s Mane can be eaten in a variety of ways, we prefer adding it to soups to optimize the medicinal qualities. It has a fine texture and is wonderful in “pulled pork” type dishes.
Lion’s Mane is famous for it’s anti-dementia and anti-anxiety properties. It promotes nerve cell repair and protects against digestive ulcers.
We are licensed to wild harvest mushrooms in NC.
Wild harvested mushrooms are only somewhat predictable - we may have them any given week, we may not.
We will certainly have many other species available during the seasons from May thru November. We will let you know what we have.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where are your mushrooms grow?
On our forest farm in Marshall, NC. We have a sterile lab and indoor grow operation in addition to our outdoor growing spaces.
We maintain our own culture library, many of which have been wild harvested from the local forest.
Are they natural and free from toxins?
Yes! We use no pesticides or toxic chemicals in any of our production techniques. All our mushrooms are grown on wood with natural materials and Blue Ridge Mountain water.
All our products are organic, not yet certified, we are working on our USDA Organic Certification.
Do you provide training for customers wishing to learn more about incorporating mushroom into their diet?
Yes. We run a day long masterclass on mushroom medicine making which includes using them in food.
Do fresh mushrooms need to be refrigerated in our store
Yes! They will keep 7-10 days in your refrigerator.
All our fresh mushrooms and mushroom cultivation supplies are produced on our 30-acre organic and regenerative forest farm in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Everything we produce is in small batches and carefully monitored to ensure the highest quality.