About Us
Welcome to our Farm!
We are delighted to share this magical place with you.
We are a husband and wife team, Christopher and Katherine Parker, we live, love, plant, nurture and play at The Forest Farmacy.
Medicine for Body and Soul.
The Forest Farmacy is a 30 acre forest farm nestled in Madison County, NC in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Here we bring together our passions for fungus, food sovereignty, healing, soul, myth, mystery, mycelium and re-culturing.
The farm is located on unceded Cherokee land. In recognition of this 10% of our proceeds go to Eastern Band Cherokee based non-profits.
What We Do
The Forest Farmacy provides educational and transformational experiences for those looking to connect more deeply to the forest, their food, themselves and their community.
We provide mushroom cultivation workshops, forest bathing sessions, nature connection and soul-tending retreats.
We donate medicines to those who can’t access them and offer classes on a sliding scale to make them as accessible as possible.
We are growing an edible forest garden to demonstrate how tended forests can be a regenerative source of food, herbal medicine and solace.
We are lovingly restoring the 120 year old homestead, barn and molasses making shed as a showcase of Southern Appalachian agricultural history.
Why We Do It
Both of us chose, at different points in life, to step off the well worn path and head out into the forest, disrupt the status quo and live more soulful lives.
We’ve wandered around in the woods, got lost, burned our fingers in the fire, been cold, hungry, wet and tired and discovered some of the treasures hidden in the dark places of the soul and the forest. We love to share the journey.