of Passage
Customized transformational ceremonies
to launch the next version of you
Our culture has all but forgotten our rites of passage
We blunder through pseudo-rites, without guidance or a community to hold us
This leaves us:
Not knowing who we are
Not knowing where we came from
Confused as to why we are here
Unclear of our role in the world
Without the capacity to fully deliver our medicine to the world
Feeling alone
and separated from the more-than-human world
Without Elders and no idea how to become one
….. and so it continues with each generation
Rites of Passage ceremonies are designed to bring us into the fullness of who we are
To live a more authentic life
To help us put to rest what no longer serves us and step into our new selves
We can co-create a transformational rite of passage for any life event including:
Approaching birth
Approaching death
Ending a significant relationship
Beginning a significant relationship
Career / life work changes
Birthdays (this won’t be a party!)
A need for greater clarity
….. and whatever is calling for ritual attention in your life
There is nothing in the human realm of experience so big we cannot create a container to hold it
We work with your spiritual lineage and cosmology
This will require you to radically transform yourself
To enter a rite of passage is to step out of time
In that void we confront what is true about ourselves
With the help of the more-than-human world we find the light that brings us back to wholeness
With a new sense of self
With a new consciousness
Renewed and rejuvenated
A deeper relationship with the Sacred
With our hearts open
Feeling the fullness of being embodied at this time on Earth
Humbled to that which is greater than ourselves
We will custom create a ceremony for you and what you need at this time
It may include elemental rituals in relationship with Earth, Water, Fire and Wind and deep nature-based work
It will likely include shadow tending, trance, storytelling, music and whatever else makes itself known as helpful in the moment
Got an idea?
Whatever it is, don’t be shy.
Whatever is calling for ritual attention in your life, let us know.